There are already dozens of deaths due to the rains in the state of Rio Grande do Sul.
Rains once again punish Rio Grande do Sul in what is considered one of the biggest floods in its history.
Just over 6 months after what was considered the second biggest flood in history, which occurred in September 2023, the rains are once again punishing the state with even more force. With levels exceeding 500mm of rain, which is equivalent to the accumulation of more than 3 months, around 250 municipalities are experiencing true calamities.
Vale do Taquari, the hardest hit in 2023, is going through an even worse situation. But unlike last year, all regions of the state are suffering from the rains. More than 90 sections of state and federal highways are closed. Bridges were broken, the asphalt gave way, forming real craters. Barriers fell on roads and left fatal victims.
Once again we need everyone.
To help at this time, Vvolunteer is raising funds to help with the initial phase of RS Emergency Humanitarian Aid in the cities of Muçum and Santa Tereza, in addition to the Porto Alegre Islands. After this phase, we enter a second stage, that of Structuring Humanitarian Aid, and we will soon discuss the main needs with the community.
As chuvas no Rio Grande do Sul causaram as maiores enchentes já registradas no Estado. Especialistas consideram esta a pior tragédia climática da história do Brasil! Cidades inteiras ficaram submersas. Já são mais de 160 mortos, centenas de desaparecidos e mais de 640 mil pessoas fora de suas casas.
Segundo o último balanço da Defesa Civil, 468 dos 497 municípios do estado foram afetados pelo temporal, o que equivale a 2,3 milhões de pessoas. Segundo o governo do estado, serão necessários R$19 bilhões para reconstrução.

What will we do
The financial resources raised in this emergency campaign will be delivered to Vvolunteer's partner institutions for the purchase and delivery of items assessed as first needs to impacted communities in the region.
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